I've never made a real new year's resolution before. This year, a little mantra I saw on Pinterest is kinda sticking with me. "Simplify. Be Inspired. Be Original. Work Hard. Enjoy." All of those statements appeal to me.
I'm beginning a new journey. A journey into the world of bobbins and feed dogs and walking feet and seam rippers. I'm learning to sew. After months of me hinting and hoping, Corey gave me a sewing machine for Christmas.
Meet Harriet.
Not only does she have all kinds of bells and whistles but she's also patient and forgiving. She lets me move slowly and is eager to let me try out each of her 130 built-in stitches. We're still getting acquainted but I know we are going to be fast friends. I like starting at square one. There's no where to go but up.
My plan is to revamp clothes I already have and buy thrift store rejects to refashion into fresh and unique things. I love the idea of creating from something that has been written off as worthless. I also like the idea of having an interesting and fun wardrobe that I can afford.
Because, I won't even begin to pretend that I can afford nice, new clothes. Being young, indebted to student loan companies, and relying on an inconsistent income that comes with owning a small business, doesn't leave me much room to splurge at the mall.
And you know me, I relish in a good deal and a quality thrift store find.
I plan on sharing some of my refashions here on the blog, so be on the lookout.
2014 will be for me a year of simplicity and thrift, creativity and problem-solving, fun and accomplishment.